Color me surprised. The debates and demonstrations for the Pornography Bill has been going on for ages, even before I went back to Indo for good. I think at the very least, it's been going on for more than 2-3 years.
I never think of this issue as more than just a pleasing distraction from the more pressing and depressing issues that we, as a nation, have to face. Corruption, Economy, Education, Healthcare, ... Humbugh! Let's talk about pornography and the immorality of goyang bor people!
Come to think of it, I always assumed that this whole issue started because Rhoma Irama was jealous of the rising popularity of Inul and Dewi Persik. Bravo Oma!
Alas, this whole thing has turned into a law that restricts the freedom of expression for women. The extremist can rejoice. The liberalist and feminist can cry, and probably perform another round of demonstrations. Don't know if it will do any good at this point though.
I'm too tired to protest and complain, so let's take the positive side shall we girls?
Soe Hok Gie once said (paraphrasing cause I can't find it at google):
Bagaimana wanita bisa maju kalo yang dipikirkan hanya bedak dan lipstick saja?
How can women progress if the only things they think of are face powder and lipstick?
So, devil may care for our appearance and looks. Let's put on our sweaty pants and oversized T-shirt and eat ice cream and junk food together. Slumber party at my place?
Sorry boys, you're not invited, it maybe illegal and I don't want to break the law.