Rain of an Epic Proportion

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A furious blast roared through the trees, making everything sing as it went. One blinding flash after another came, and peal on peal of deafening thunder. And now a drenching rain poured down and the rising hurricane drove it in sheets along the ground.

The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain

Rain has been a very good student lately and boasted a perfect record of attendance in Surabaya.

Last Monday's rain was a particularly blasted one. The rain came storming into the city in all its majesty. The trees and billboard signs were like the chess pawns who were easily defeated by the rain. Not long after, the human invented electricity, the queen of our town, was humbled by the force of nature and shamefully retreated from the battleground. The citizens of Surabaya were left in deep abyss of desperation during the several hours it took for the queen to nurse her inflicted wounds. All I could think of during this trial time was whether my dearest ice cream can survive this horrid turmoil.

We were definitely unprepared for the blackout. Very much so that we sadly had to use a birthday candle for the emergency light. I couldn't believe that we have a birthday candle in the office, but not a regular candle. How old was the candle? It must have been very old, since I reckoned that the last time my younger sister celebrated her 8th birthday, it was about 12 years ago.

Melting Birthday Candle
Maybe it's not very obvious from the picture, but the candle was supposed to have a shape of 8. Alas, it was obviously not meant for a long duration of use. Only a few minutes after it was lightened and Mr. Osake was in danger of being melted in the sea of hot paraffin. The 4 candle was thankfully holding strong and dutifully illuminated any area within the 15 cm distance from where it was planted.

Armed with my mother's compact camera, I went out with the intention to capture the moment of this great thunderstorm. Unfortunately, my mind easily wandered, and I took dozens of pictures of reflected leaves instead.

Reflection of Leaves

An odd thing happened when we were about to leave the office. My mom strangely volunteered to drive. I was dumbfounded by her generosity. To be honest, I was a bit worried that my mom couldn't handle the traffic as well as I could, considering that I'm a very good driver and have only a slight long list of traffic accidents. But, oh well, we're family. I decided that I should trust her just as much as she trust me.

I was actually relieved that I didn't have to drive. Traffic was moving as fast as a snail and I had all the time I needed and more to take pictures.

Don't you think that Miss Kimono looks cute in this picture? I may have to take more pictures of her.

Miss Kimono
The Siomay seller didn't look happy. Think happy thoughts Miss! At least the flood in Surabaya is laughably meager compared to the ones in Jakarta :)

Siomay Seller

An hour and few minutes later, we finally arrived home. I could happily report that my ice cream survived the blasted blackout, all thanks to my quick emergency aid of transporting the ice cream to a pool of ice cubes. Disaster averted, I was planning to spend the quiet time reading Lolita.

Reading Lolita in thunderstorm
Unfortunately, my shifty mind couldn't help to see how beautiful the candle was and ended up taking pictures of the candle until the electricity returned from her hiding place. I looked how far I was with my reading and found out that I had successfully completed a paragraph from the book.

Candle Illuminated
And that is it. I have nothing else interesting to report, so I guess this will be the right moment to end this photo log.

So, ... the end.

Note: All but the last 2 pictures were taken using the Pentax compact. Not too shabby methink.

Going Lomo

Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm thinking Holga for Christmas. It was actually Tokina 12-24mm to begin with, but with the Rupiah going downhill, the lens price has gone up by 20%. 5 million plus is not a cheap investment, especially for one with no profitable return.

Still, I need to do further research. Can I find a lab to process 120 film? How much is it going to cost? Should I just buy the developing kit, especially considering that I'm prone to shot BW.

Photography, never a cheap hobby.

At least it makes me happy :)

My excuse

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A girl is having her lunch

Boy oh boy, poor blog, who have abandoned thee? Oh, right, yours truly.

Here is a picture of a little girl having her lunch on a couch located strategically on an empty parking spot. Groovy.

The blog will be heavy on pictures in the near future, that is until I found my writing muse again. Just like any other activities (read: exercise), once you stopped updating your blog, it will take a whole lot more energy to start updating it again.

I've been in a depressed mood this past few weeks and I didn't feel like writing. One, because it will not going to be a fun read. Two, because I don't think I want to put down any of this horrid feelings into words.

Well, men are only men. That's why they lie. They can't tell the truth, even to themselves.

Yes, I'm weak therefore I can't bear reading what is truly on my mind right now. To counter depression or to get my mind of depressing thoughts, I've been watching a whole lot of movies, at least once a day. So, I might do some movie reviews as well.

Not to worry, it's cyclical. Life has its ups and downs. It's in it's down period now, but it only means that I will have my up period in the future. Hooray!

No Love for Tukang Tambal Ban?

Monday, December 1, 2008

There is a survey that one needs to complete when they want to get their NIK (Nomor Induk Kependudukan). One of the questions is in regard of your occupation, and you have to choose from the existing list of options.

The list is so incredible that I need to share with all of you. Please click to enlarge and see all of the glorious options:

Now, the list is awesome and quite thorough already, but I can't help to wonder. Why there is no love for Tukang Tambal Ban?

Any other occupations that you think should be included in this list?