Attn: Jakarta People (Jakartans?)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Jakarta - Grand Indonesia Mall
Picture was taken at Grand Indonesia Mall, Jakarta.

I have a hard time taking pictures at Jakarta. Everywhere I go, the security or the employee always ended up telling me not to take any pictures at their properties. The problem is, they allowed people who take pictures using compact camera. What is this? A discrimination against SLR camera users?

For your information, not all SLR camera users are professional who get paid for taking pictures. Some of us are pathetic enough to consider taking pictures of mundane objects and strangers as our hobby. Not only that, we are willing to shelf out big bucks for the equipments. How sad are we?

So, Jakartans, next time you see us, instead of prohibiting us from taking pictures, you should have pity on us and give us full access to your property. Not only that, you should also offer to pose for us. With all the pain and the sacrifice that we endure, I think that's the least that you can do.

Got that? Good.


Anonymous said...

You can't take pictures but you can carry a camera. So learn to take hipshots :) shoot without seeing. as long as you don't put your eye on the viewfinder or pointing the lens in an obvious way, you're not taking pictures.

and in my case, working in a local shopping mall gave me the privilege to carry a dSLR freely. at least on my work place.

peyo said...


Genius eric, I need to try that, haha.

I've taken some blind shots while driving, so hipshot is just taking it a step further ;)

Malls are fine, I can still live without taking pictures inside the mall. What bothered me the most is missing the chance to take pics of Cafe Batavia's interior. The place is awesome *droll*

Anonymous said...

I just hope the mall's management and security don't read this post :)

where's cafe batavia?

peyo said...

Whoops, can't believe I haven't replied your question.

It's located at Kota Tua, adjacent to the Fatahillah Museum. It's a must see really when you're in the neighborhood.

Don't forget to post pics if you manage to do some hip shots on location ;)

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