A story about a boy and a girl

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

There was a boy and there was a girl.

The girl lived in the big city and lived a colorful life, filled with jazz, dance and parties. The boy lived in a smaller city and lived a simple life, filled with true friends and endless laughter.

The boy and the girl met by the game of badminton. They played together and soon they exchanged stories and laughs together. The boy fell hard for the girl. Alas, the girl's feeling was not the same.

The girl was already fallen to another boy in the big city. She was smittened by his suave dancing skill, smooth talk, and charming personality. Not long after, they became a couple.

The boy was crushed but he couldn't let her go. He knew that the big city boy was just playing with her heart. He talked to her family and found out that they had the same concern as him.

Finally from the words of mouth, her family found out that the big city boy was courting a much older lady. A lady who was rich and prominent in the city. The family set the girl up so she would see the affair with her own eyes.

She was devastated. At that moment, her family told the boy to propose to her. She was too weak to refuse.

The boy promised to love her with all his heart and he never swayed from his promise. It was not long before the girl was touched by the love and kindness of the boy. She finally loved him with all of her heart as well.

They lived a simple and quite life. They were not rich in the material sense, but they had each others love to make their lives felt rich and complete. As time goes by, they became a father and a mother and later, a grandfather and a grandmother.

A few years ago, the girl was feeling a bit unwell. She checked herself up and found out that she had a breast cancer. After a long cry on her drive home, she made the decision not to go on a medication nor to tell her family and relatives.

You see, her husband's recent foot surgery cost a fortune and her children were not in the best financial state yet. Not only that, she was afraid that her husband would worry sick and lose his health as well.

So she kept her silence. She only broke the news to one of her colleagues at work. The colleague was sworn not to tell anyone. Around Chinese New Year this year, the colleague could no longer keep her promise and told the situation to the girl's sister.

The sister gave the news to the boy. He was furious and sad. He begged her to go on a medication but she refused. The girl became very skinny. The cancer has already spread to the bones, and later to the lung.

Throughout this time, the boy was always on her side. Fed her, bathed her, accompanied her. Sometimes he cried, but he tried to maintain a strong appearance in front of her.

One morning, she could not wake up from her sleep. The relatives swarmed by, trying to come into acceptance that the time has come for the girl to go. The Hymn for Life was playing all day long.

Later that night, the boy gained enough courage to whisper to his girl that she could leave him and the children. The priest gave her the final prayer and she passed away.

After 42 years, the boy is now without the love of his life on his side.

In my life time, never have I seen someone who loves another human being as much as my uncle loves my aunt.

Farewell my dear aunt. You will always be remembered.


Anonymous said...

The story was beautifully told (written) I thought this was a fictional one. Too good to be true. But then again, your aunt and uncle must be two of the happiest people on earth.

I can't say anything more. I'm wordless here. Farewell to your aunt.

peyo said...

Hi eric,

Thanks! I don't think my words can do justice to their story, but at least I've tried :)

Anonymous said...

If I dont know better..I will say that the story is a fictional one...
I am speechless..

Anonymous said...

aaooww, coo cweett..and touching. well done in beautifying ur uncle memory of a life time :)

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